Information about the nature of the Aezkoan Irati forest (Navarre)by the team of guards.
We offer:
-information about the state of forest throughout the year, week to week.
-ornithological information about birds observed by the team of guards.
-Flora characteristic of every month.
- Fauna observed either directly or through their signals.
Few days ago that 100% of thetreesalready have worn their leaves, withmoreintensegreenwhich they will be in a coupleof weeks.
Personally, I think that this is the best timefor anyone whowants to feelthe strength ofthe nature obseving the wake of the plants.
A challenge forus who liketo observethe trees :Try todifferentiate themfrom a distancebythe different greensthat each specieshave.
Arrazola 14 mai 2012 (Aezkoa ) Navarre
Arrazola´s picnic area
ThisPatxaran(Prunusspinosa) as people say in some parts of Navarre to the plantand the fruit,isstudded withflowers. Maybe someone willremember thatthis speciewas one of thefirst plantsbegin to flowerfor almost twomonths.
It isinteresting to seethe difference in time thatcan exist between trees of the same speciesin differentphenological stages(flowering, output andfalling leaf..) sometimes with great differencesbetweentwo treesof the same speciesbeside eachother
These images wererecordedinJuly last year by Kristina montoia warden of Irati (itarinatura)a fewmeters from thepoint ofinformationArrazola, fromabout 8feet away,ina pruned beech .
Martens(Martes martes)or Fuinas,as they are calledin some parts ofNavarre,are smallcarnivores, veryelusive,and they have night habits.In Europe martens arrived until the nord of iberian pensinsule, and beech marten(martes foina) is in navarre more mediterranean.We can to distingue mainly bythecolor of the neck.In the beech martenis white,andn in themartenin Irati yellowish. we have beech martens in Irati forest too, because itslocation is betweendifferent bioclimatic regions.
We cannot seen inthe videowhat are its eating.The next day,we returnedto seeif we could findsome clue,andwe found thesmall tailof a baby of a edible dormouse(Glisglis), smallgrayrodentwith a long andbushy tail, very soft.We keep the tailat the point ofinformation of Arrazola andwe will show youif youaskfor it.
Pruned trees ,aretrees thatarecut theirs branchesin 10or 20years, to avoid cuttingthe entire tree. The branchesareused tomake charcoalor like wood to be used for heating the house.With this kind of pruning the truk got a big volume, because in heightcould not develop to much.
Many of themhave hundredsof years,and mostare hollow,withnesttles, food forbirdsof many kinds,burrows..
Path of the old pruned beeches(30min.)1-4-2012
At the entrance toIratibyAezkoahave ashortpathfor the entirefamily, whichruns between pruned beechesin a old meadow.Its particularly suitablefor peoplewho want to do a little walkor for people who have children.Its possible to do with childpushchair.