Monday, May 21, 2012

The greenest green

Few days ago that 100% of the trees already have worn their leaves, with more intense green which they will be  in a couple of weeks.

Personally, I think that this is the best time for anyone who wants to feel the strength of the nature  obseving  the wake of  the plants.

A challenge for us who like to observe the trees :Try to differentiate them from a distance by the different greens that each species have.

Arrazola 14 mai  2012 (Aezkoa ) Navarre

 Arrazola´s picnic area

Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa)

This Patxaran (Prunus spinosa) as people say in some parts of Navarre  to the plant and  the fruit, is studded  with flowers.
Maybe someone will remember that this specie was one of the first plants begin to flower for almost two months.

It is interesting to see the difference in time that can exist between trees of the same species in different phenological stages (flowering, output and falling leaf ..) sometimes with great differences between two trees of the same species beside each other

Monday, May 14, 2012

video of a european pine marten in irati forest

These images were recorded in July last year by Kristina montoia warden of Irati (itarinatura) a few meters from the point of information Arrazola, from about 8 feet away, in a pruned beech .
Martens(Martes martes) or Fuinas, as they are called in some parts of Navarre, are small carnivores, very elusive, and they have  night habits .In Europe martens  arrived until the nord of iberian pensinsule, and beech marten(martes foina) is in navarre more mediterranean.We can  to  distingue mainly by the color of the neck .In  the beech marten is white, andn in the marten in Irati yellowish. we have beech martens in Irati forest too, because its location is between different bioclimatic regions.

We cannot seen in the video what  are its eating. The next day, we returned to see if we could find some clue, and we found the small tail of  a baby of a edible dormouse (Glis glis), small gray rodent with a long and bushy tail, very soft.We keep the tail at the point of information of Arrazola and we will show you if you ask for it.

Pruned  trees ,are trees that are cut theirs branches in 10 or 20 years, to avoid  cutting the entire tree. The branches are used to make charcoal or like wood to be used  for heating the house.With  this kind of pruning the truk got a big volume, because  in height could not develop to much.

Many of them have hundreds of years, and most are hollow, with nesttles, food for birds of many kinds, burrows ..

Path of the old pruned beeches(30min.)1-4-2012
At the entrance to Irati by Aezkoa have a short path for the entire family, which runs between pruned beechesin a old meadow.Its  particularly suitable for people who want to do a little walk or for people who have children.Its possible to do with child pushchair.

old pruned beeches in Arrazola(Aezkoa)Navarre.