Thursday, October 18, 2012

Forest of Irati in the middle of october

In two days, we will have some holydays to enjoy nature, and many people will approach to Irati forest  searching  those fall colors that we love.

It should be said that this holydays of october and November are bad dates if you want to  enjoy the forest due to the big afluence of people.I  Advise tocome at any other time of year or if this is not ,go to the  other areas of Irati differents to the reservoir water of Irabia. In any case, you will always wellcome, and as we can not always choose the days of the holiday, here you are  an example of how the forest is today.

Irati from Arrazola(Aezkoa)

 Irabia reservoir water´s way from Arrazola

Field mapple (Acer campestre)beginnig the color change

 Mozolo txiki mountain, from the top of Ibiaga

 Arrazola( Irati) 10 october 2012

As you have appreciated in the images, the forest is  preparing for the winter, but not in a hurry. It is possible that this week has been great changes due to possible rain and falling temperatures.

  Walking through the woods in the raining, can be a beautiful experience, as long as we stay dry. If you coming, do not forget the umbrella and good shoes!

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